Friday, March 13, 2009

Faithful Friday with Joy - A 10 year old!

Today is Joy's First Faithful Friday!It tickled me with delight when her mom, Tammy of Country Girl at Home, e-mailed and asked if I could create a little button for Joy's blog called DoodlebugHere is the button I created for her.Joy says "You can tell something that God did for you in the past week or so, or an answered prayer, to share your faith in God. Just be thinking about if you want to participate and if you do, what to share. Then, when you post, you can come back and grab this button to put on your post and then you just link back to me!" Read more HereSo stop by and see Joy!Get this Angel as a vinyl graphic Decal right here for $4.00 + .82 cents shipping
-MandieHbCorner Etsy banners Vinyl Wall Decals Free clipart and graphics designed byMandie Lancaster::2009::

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