Friday, February 29, 2008

Life in the Craft Lane with Mandie Junkies :)

Created a few 125 x 125 buttons this morning. One says Give Credit, where credit is due. Anyone can use this as a button that Creates or sells handmade items. Right click to save.LOL, I also made a Junkie button for anyone that is becoming addicted to my blog and would like to spread the word :) I'll have to give credit to Candy, from Cotton Candy Creations for this idea. She said she was a Mandie Blog Junkie *blush* Thanks Candy!Almost ready for the Giveaway Reveal ooohhh ahhhhh the suspenseI just want to be fair about the winner, and since this is my first giveaway, I'm trying to figure out how to do it. Should I draw a name from a bowl? Get my hiney in gear and learn to make a video clip drawing of the name?Any suggestions from anyone that has had their own giveaway ? I want to be fair about it. Thanks in advance, look forward to hearing some suggestions!Enjoy!Hollyberry Corner

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