Thursday, September 18, 2008


I'm back! LOLYes, yes, I was one of the many people from Ohio that was affected by the Power outages from the wind storm that swept through on Sunday the 14th.No electric also means No water at my house :/ We have well water which means it needs electric to run the water pump out there in the well house. Just lovely!! Everything at my house is Electric, Heat, Air, Water, Lights, so on... ( Yep, I do have a nice electric bill each month)Finally around 11:30 p.m. last night There was light, there was water, there was excitement!!We were reading by candle light, ice in coolers, lots of bottled water, and making a trip to an Aunt's house for a shower! My girls were finding many things to do outdoors until the sun went down. We never thought the power would be out for days :/I have so much to catch up on! It's just amazing how much laundry piles up in a few days, and not being able to plug a vacuum in to clean the carpet. I did manage to mow, clean the garage and lots of things outdoors during the power outage though :)But, I have been here, just Unconnected.Wanted to pop in here real quick to say hello. There are still many homes without power in the area. I am Thankful this is not happening in the mid winter months, freezing pipes and cold homes.Take care, I'm digging back in to the housework and cleaning :)Oh, And here is a few freebies I made last week and didn't get the chance to post before the storm.Hollyberry Corner Hollyberry Corner Etsy Shop Photobucket

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