Sunday, March 30, 2008

Been down all weekend

Auuggh, been feeling really bad all weekend. Started with a minor sore throat and then I just started aching from head to toe, Kinda felt like lock jaw of the body? Every muscle feels horrid with pain. Been resting a lot, thank goodness I have a good hubby that picked up and made the girls dinner sat/sun :) I even had to throw my business stuff onto him that I wasn't able to tend to, He did an excellent job. My website was in the mode of major overhaul due to go live on Saturday night. Of all the times to get sick :/ He pulled it all off for me with server changes and all. Take a peek at the new look if you want.

I'm actually more mobile today, so hopefully I can get back in there and work on it myself.

And here is a freebie for today! I wouldn't forget to add something to snag up. Make sure to click on the image to load in a new window before setting as a desktop or saving for later :) Enjoy!

Hollyberry Corner

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