Thursday, June 16, 2011

How to have Awesome Hairs?

Wash Your Hairs Every Three Days

You need to wash your hairs every three days on daily routine, this will help you to have healthy hairs, and will increase the circulation of blood in your head and lock the dandruff. While washing on the daily basis will ruin them and weaken their strength.

Take Healthy Diet

Diet is most important for your health because it provides you all the minerals and if you do not focus on your diet then you cannot expect to have a healthy hairs.

Avoid Use of Hair Dryers, Straighteners and Other Appliances

The heat generated from these appliances can penetrate the cuticle and leave hair dry. As a result they get damaged and dull. So do not used them in excessively.

Regular Trimming

The healthy hairs must be trimmed regularly. So that you can get rid of split hairs. It would b good to have a haircut in every six to eight weeks. Leaving them as it is will move up the hair shaft, which means that you will loose your healthy and beautiful hairs.

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