Monday, May 30, 2011

Cooking Corner

Hey Viewers! Sorry for not posting this article from the past few weeks due to some technical problems but now we are back in air with our schedule. So hope that you will enjoy this new affects!

Chicken Lollypops


1 1/2        kg chicken drumsticks

1              cup gram flour

1              tsp red chili flakes

1/4           tsp turmeric powder

1 tsp        crushed cumin

1/2           tsp red chili powder

1              tbsp crushed coriander

                Oil for frying

                Salt to taste


Give drumsticks lollypop shapes. Mix salt, red chili powder, red chili flakes, turmeric, crushed coriander, crushed cumin and gram flour to make a thick batter. Dip lollypops in this batter and deep-fry. Enjoy the wonderful chicken lollypops with your favorite sauce or chutney.

Mediterranean Curry


15          ml oil

1            large onion, chopped

1            large tomato, chopped

30          g curry powder

15          g chili powder

1            kg chuck steak, fat removed and cut into 2.5 cm cubes

5            g salt

125        ml water

15          ml malt vinegar


Place oil, onion and tomato in a large casserole dish and cook on HIGH for 4 to 5 minutes. Sit in curry powder, chili powder and meat and cook on HIGH for a further 5 minutes. Add remaining ingredients, ensuring the meat is covered by the liquid. Cook, uncovered, on HIGH for 5 minutes, then on MEDIUM for 1 to 1 1/4 hours. Stir occasionally during cooking. Serve with rice.

Note: This recipe is for microwave oven

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