Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Building on a New Deck Addition : Phase 1

My husband and I got this big idea to build on a new deck to the side portion of our home about 3 weeks ago. Why? Well, we tend to sit on the front porch more than the back when family and friends come over. However our front porch is only about 4 feet deep.just like any project we do around here, changes are made along the way. :D We decided why not put a fire pit in the center? Then we said hey, Let's make this Octogan.. LOLSo 2 weeks later after, digging, setting posts, building a frame and firepit. A Bazillion trips to our very local Lowes store ( 10 minutes away) gotta love it! We have the first section of this ongoing deck addition done!
Here is some of the beginning frame work.
I used some wood stain to give the deck some character, We are now on the Phase 2 of the addition, with some much needed cleanup around the work site!We are working on the step up portion of the deck to connect on to the front porch and off the side a tad.More pictures in the future!

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