Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Free whimsical Halloween graphics

A few more of my freebie graphics I made for everyone.

A pumpkin candy apple and little ghost. Just right click to save and use!

Also just a picture of a Black eyed Susan I snapped today. Finally!! I didn't think they would ever bloom. My absolute favorite flower in the summer. This is the first one to open up so far :)
Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer! It has rained almost everyday here in Ohio for the past 3 weeks ( minus a day or two) :/

We did manage to move a lot of large barn stones around the front of our house, My hubby I should say"moved" them :) The sandstones rubbed his fingerprints off for awhile! We mulched and I just started planting some flowers. Here's a quick pic I snapped today. I haven't even planted anything in the flower pots yet. I'll get around to it, I'm thinking some mums, they always look nice in the fall. I love using rocks, stacked stones, barn stones to landscaping. The flower bed ended up a lot larger than planned, but we thought why not? Less to mow!! LOL
Now just have to give it a few years to let the plants/shrubs grow up.

See you again soon!

Hollyberry Corner

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