Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Back at it again

Just popping in for a quick hello!! We made it there and back safe and sound. My first plane ride wasn't so bad after all. Even though I did grip the arm rest a bit tight when we started leaving the runway. Our tickets had us seated in different locations. My hubby sat with the oldest closer to the front, and me with the youngest right on the left side wing. The vacation was excellent, lots of fun and pictures, we had the Park hopper ticket package, we got to visit each section except the water parks (Typhoon lagoon/Blizzard Beach)

We are home! So I will be back at it again here real soon with some more new freebies. However, it may be at least 1 more day.

Need to catch up on a few things. It's amazing how just a few days away can really pile up.

A couple quick freebie cliparts , Right Click to save. Enjoy!

Hollyberry Corner

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